Natron dansk
Natron dansk

natron dansk

Use default QFlags construction instead of zero by in #724 Use QMargins for table model view by in #727 Index model children with QAbstractItemModel by in #726 Query screen geometry using static QGuiApplication methods by in #722 Renovate usages of QLineF intersections by in #719 Invoke system in global PySide config by in #721

natron dansk

Substitute recursive mutex enum with QRecursiveMutex by in #720 Set tab stop distance with tabStopDistance in Gui by in #718 Initial Qt5 sources for Engine by in #715ĭeprecate usage of qSort in ToolButton by in #717 Support for building with Shiboken2 in Gui by in #698 Use a different (fake) enum namespace for shiboken & shiboken2 by in #713 Update bug and feature request templates by in #707 Shiboken2 postmerge fixes in Engine by in #704 Support for building with Shiboken2 in Engine by in #697 Initial GitHub workflow implementation by in #700 RB-2.5: use qtpy rather than pyside by in #687Ĭompatibilize with Qt5 in Gui by in #699 PySide can still be imported explicitly, if required, but the resulting code will not be forward-compatible. Using QtPy guarantees a higher level of forward-compatibility with future versions of Natron, which may use Qt5 or Qt6. QtPy uses the Qt5 layout (where the QtGui module has been split into QtGui and QtWidgets). QtPy is an abstraction layer for PyQt5/PyQt4/PySide2/PySide (newer versions support PyQt6/PySide6). This will require very few changes to the Python code (mainly print statements), and most code can be easily adapted to be 2-3 compatible. Use Python 3 rather than Python 2 (which is not maintained anymore). MTS video files are sometimes not read correctly. Some image formats may have issues (PCX, PSB). Rendering sometimes silently stalls after X frames.

Natron dansk